Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial

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This 12-acre site is located in College Station’s Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Chartered in 2000 as a non-profit, is dedicated to veterans from our nation’s major wars. The Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial (BVVM), includes many life-sized statues, a Wall of Honor, interpretive panels and memorial sites.

Memorial Locator Map (2018)

Former President George H.W. Bush helped dedicate the BVVM on Nov. 10, 2002. Bush said “The Brazos Valley community can stand proud. The names that mark the memorial showcase the sons and daughters who gave dedicated service to our nation so that future generations can share the freedoms we enjoy. Their task was great and their sacrifice even greater, but their legacy stands firm, and their memories burn bright.”

Sculptors: Most statues were created by J Payne Lara

LocationVeterans Park and Athletic Complex, 3101 Harvey Rd, College Station TX 77845